Wolf Connection

Here are the Wolf Principles you learned this week, just like in previous weeks, write a paragraph on how do they apply in your life.

Also let us know how was the rock activity for you.

1- Wolves don't blame others, they own their part without giving their power away

2- Wolves let go of the past and make room for new things in their lives


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The rock activity was a new experience for me but i think it was very effective and i feel much lighter after throwing all that anger fear sadness etc... Off that cliff. Also i understand the first wolf principle i know what its like to play the blame game to get yourself off the hook. So im gunna take that wolf principle and own up to my mistakes and do my part to whatever consequences may come. And for the second wolf principle they apply in my life because i know how to let go of the past and move forward to the future so i dont have to carry all that extra weight on me in the future so i dont end up climbing another mountain with a big rock in my hand.

The rock activity has always been challenging but , this time was more difficult. 

The first wolf principal I like because , what I think it means  is when they do something wrong they know how to admit it and make themselves still look strong. In other words they are being a Man/Women by owning there part.This reflects on me because , I can own my part and not feel bad because I didn't lie about it.

The second wolf principal is like the rock activity. They let go the bs and make room for the future. For me that is hard because , I can't erase my horrible haunting past. I try not to think about it smile and move on. So far I am doing great. Almost graduating and getting ready to head to college.

Hi this is Philip.

I thought the hike was very hard espically since i had the biggest rock if i would have known i would have gotten a smaller rock. the rock activity was challenging but worth it. the first wolf principal reflects on me because when i wrote satan gang on the rock i owned up to it. i didnt blame anyone i took the consiqunces but still had , my head held high.the second wolf principal is hard for me but i try my best to let it go.

I might have missed the rock activity this past week but...

What I believe the first wolf principal means is not to lie, because lying shows the immaturity level of a person. By being truthful it gives you better qualities as a person and shows how strong you are even if it may mean accepting the consequence of your actions. The second wolf principal, although some memories are great and some haunting there is nothing you can do about it, the past is the past. Looking forward to the future is better than reminising about the past because who knows what the future has to offer.

I can relate to the first wolf principal because i usually dont blame other people but i cant say i always own up do thats something i should work on. I dont let go of my past i hold grudges and remember past events i still move forward and try. I also thought the rock climb was challenging and fun. It was a struggle at first but then got easier as we were on the ladt hill

i understand the second wolf principle good becasue i could rely on that like for an example i remember when my best freind had left me in the rain and i was far away from home but after awhile i had let go and went to new and better things ....and the second wolf principle is kinda like snitching and blaming others i dont that ...and that rock activity it was a good experince and also a good chalenge and i didnt think i was gonna finish thru but then at the end when i throw all that sadness ,anger,unhappy,all that bullshit away i kinda felt stronger and lighter in a way but next time if we ever do it again believe i would be ready next time..

Theirs been a time when i blamed somebody for my mistake . I'm actually starting to not blame other's, and take full responsibility for my actions . It's kinda hard letting go of my past specially when I know It was my mistake . So I know that principle is gonna be a change that i'm looking foward to accomplish . The rock activity was cool I had to carry the work that had all my emotion, And especially at the end when I just let go of my emotion . Throwing the rock with all my emotion was the best, and it felt good . 

The wolf principles we learned last week apply to me because I do not blame other people for mistakes that I have the power to control. I am completely responsible for the mistakes that I make. Also, I have learned to let go of the past and and move on to bigger and better things. From either letting go of fears, forgiving others, or letting go of the misbehavior, and beginning to behave and do better in life. The rock activity was a bit helpful helping me realize how much weight we let go when we choose to let go of what is weighing us down. The rock was a really great metaphor for helping me understand a bit more. 

Wolves don't blame others, they own their part without giving their power away. I use to think it was okay to blame others for my mistakes cause i was scared of being wrong an having people look at me different. Now I know its not okay to blame others for your mistakes you have to own up for what you did you don't have to give your power away just grow from your mistakes..Wolves let go of the past and make room for new things in their lives. I feel like letting go is a good thing in life you make room for new things and no one should ever hold on to there past..

The rock challenge was very hard for me, physical and mental on me. The first wolf principle was kind of applies to my life in a sense because I've blamed others for alot of things that have happened in my life. The reason being is because at the time I wasn't responsible and a selfish individual. The second wolf prinple is something I connect more with. Through my 17 years of living I've been through alot both mental and physical. But I learned to let it go because all tht pain and rage was holding me back in becoming a happy successful person.

i can use this alot in life becuase im always blaming somebody for somthing bad that happened when i was involved but what i should be doing is looking back at what happened to see if somthing was my fualt or f there was somthing i started or somthing i could have done better



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